Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Day 27

Since the caterpillars have now become butterflies, the blog is all but forgotten and the butterflies have become mine to maintain. So, I'll share my experiences. The other day, I was changing out the sugar water that we feed the butterflies and one of them fluttered out of the habitat. I thought i would have to scoop it up and hold it securely in my hand. I put my hand around the butterfly and it immediately started sipping up the sugar water that was still on my hand. It was the most amazing thing, I had a butterfly eating off of my hand. I didn't even have to hold it, it sat contently on my hand until I put it back in the habitat.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Day 21

We had some excitement tonight. Aidan was shooting the video above and one of the butterflies fluttered out of the Treehouse (you can see it at the end of the video). I was able to scoop it up, but is fluttered out of my hands and dissappeared. We had a brief but intense search for the missing butterfly. Good news, we were able to find the escapee and return him to the treehouse unharmed.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Day 20

All five of our butterflies have emerged from their Chrysalids. Even the lazy one that chose to turn to a chrysalid on the bottom of the cup.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Day 19

Hooray! Our butterflies are here. And I like them. One has been flapping its wings but it didn't fly. We put sugar water on orange slices on the bottom of the treehouse for them to eat.

note: Three of the five butterflies have emerged. We're still
waiting on the other two. I'm hoping they will emerge in the next couple
of days.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Day 13-15

Dad : Sorry we haven't posted in a couple of days. To be perfectly honest, the chrysalids are kind of boring. All they do is hang there. Aidan promised he'd take some pictures this weekend. We should be seeing some butterfly's next week.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Day 11-12

Monday - All 5 caterpillars turned into chrysalids. One lazy one didn't even climb to the top. It just turned into a chrysalid on the bottom of the jar.

Tuesday - We moved the chrysalids into their new home today. It is hanging on our fireplace. We had to lay the lazy one down on the floor of the treehouse.

Dad's Note: It was very interesting moving the chrysalids over to the
treehouse. The one that was on the bottom of the jar, I had to pick up by
hand. Whenever I touched it, it would wiggle and squirm just like
the caterpillar. I actually dropped it the first time I tried to pick it

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Day 9-10

This morning, I woke up and 3 of our caterpillars were hanging from the top of their little jar. They were all still caterpillars. They were in the shape to make a chrysalid.

This afternoon (about 3:30 PM), the 3 caterpillars are already chrysalids. It is fun to watch the other caterpillars because everytime they touch a chrysalid, it moves. I shot a video so you can see.

Pretty soon we'll have to take the paper out of the jar and hang it in our butterfly home.